Many thanks to EdinoiZ from the Discord “The Madness” which came up with this strategy and Valzione ( — ), EdinoiZ to expand on it.

On the Campain Map you can dublicate Gotrek almost as many times as you want. To do this you have to walk into the circle surounding Gotrek but not clicking the interface to hire him. You will be still able to move your character on the map despite the interface poping up. Here is where the crux lies. You can enter and leave as many times as you can in the current turn. Doing so will create each time a new Gotrek on the campain map as also increase incrementaly the turn timer how long all of the Gotrek dublicate clones will stay in your faction.

Additional notes

Gotrek will most likely spawn next to you in early game when you play as dwarfes. 

Why you want many Gotrek´s:

  • All hired Gotrek´s Lords will not increase your supply costs for armies and have no upkeep
  • Gotrek level´s up quite fast.
  • Gotrek can get traits which can boost your economy. If he gets the Architect trait you can increase income and reduce construction cost:

The increase in income and decrease in cost are cumulative and stack with each other. Same for the trait. The more buildings are build the faster the trait will apply.

Here you can read more about differen Lord-Traits which are based on their action.

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