A New Project Comes to Life

Hi folks,

I am a big fan of Total War Warhammer 2! I am a recent newcomer to the franchise, being mostly familiar with Warhammer 40K so far. When I discovered there was an Warhammer game everyone was talking about, I wanted to hop on the bandwagon.

And what a ride it was. This game has a steep learning curve and, getting defeated in normal campaign difficulty, I started looking online for help.

Doing so I found amazing people explaining the game like LegendofTotalWarZerkovichMercytheMad and many more…

After some trial and error with the Lizardmen, I got the grasp of the game. Playing as the High-Elves was amazing and easy but playing as Norsca confused me very much… Why could I not take this settlement? Is the game bugged?

So back again to the tutorials, faction overview

After months of playing Total War: Warhammer 2, I got better at the game, ranked up to a higher difficulty, and finally began my revenge against the AI:

Exploit Time!

Arriving at this point, I discovered The Madness Discord server, where people where discussing strategies and exploits about min-maxing Total War: Warhammer 2 to the fullest.  It’s a great place to pick up new and interesting information about the game, but the problem with a Discord server is that you have to scroll back forever to get all the good stuff.

Since the real top-shelf stuff is absent from the wiki and buried on Discord, I decided to make my own Wiki for exploits and min-maxing strategies.  Here we go!

This Wiki is an early prototype and will be steadily upgraded with more warp fuel and new content thanks to your help, your neighbour, and the mighty Horned Rat, yes yes!