Semi-Rush strategy: general guide

Thanks to Valzione from the Discord “The Madness” for writing down this guide.

This strategy works on all difficulty levels. Battles are not that difficult.
This guide is on a grand strategy scale. As you encounter different situations you have to adapt.

The main focus of this guide is to prevent the ordertide when playing as the norsca faction.

1. Uninting the Tribes

Skaeling are the first tribes which needs to be confederated. Occupy theirs settelment for more income.

Settelment Longship Graveyard

Get a second lord in the first settelment on turn 2 and recruite Maurader Hunters (Javelins)

Head back with Wulfrik to the main settelment and recrute on the way 3 Berserkers. Recrute more of the Berserkers until you have in total 16 units, assuming you did not lost any of your starting units.

Move close to the last settelment of Skaeling and go into ambush. This will lure in the Skaelings army.

Wulfrik positioned correctly on turn 5.

If your ambush fails, you still will be able to catch them next turn. Most of the time they will run away in force march.

Note: you need to defeate “Felman Ingersson” to confederate. This will not work with any other Lords from the same faction.
You can check which Lord you have to defeate for confederation by checking the diplomacy window. For example for the Helspire Tribe, the lord is Kamaerhon the bloody hound.
Killing the General for confederation is not required. Defeating him in battle is enought.

At this point you need to aquire a full stack of Berserkers by getting the last 4 units from the defeated enemy lord. Importantly you will be not at war with any Norsca faction which allows you to leave Norsca for the time beeing.

2. Attack Bretonnia

Go straight to Couronne´s Capital settelment and try to caputre or raze it. Same for his minor settelment until Couronne is out of the game.
There is a good landing spot for your army, even on force marche.

Good landing location for Wulfrik

Note: Couronne is most of the time still at war with Marienburg, therefore the army will be most likely far away from the landing spot.

When Couronne is gone, your job is done. The other Bretonnain majour factions are not a problem, because they tend to not confederate each other that fast.

3. Attack Reikland

Go straight for Reikland. It does not matter if you have to cross borders from Marienburg or other factions. Your main goal is to kill Reikland as fast as possible after Couronne.

Skip to Plan B:
Depending on RNG Reikland may confederate with other Factions. If this happens you might want to skip Reikland for the time beeing.

4. Plan B: Attack Reikland later

If Reikland is too strong go for you. Go to Tilea and capture its main capital
Miragliano. It allows you to research which reduces upkeep for all units by 15%

Occupy Settelment Miragliano from the faction Tilea

From there on keep sacking cities nearby to get more Gold. Keep going towards the empire. If Ikit Claw likes you enought. Propose him a non-agression pakt. He will most likely keep your city save for the time beeing, since he is mostly at war with everyone around him.

Recruite and destroy everything on the path to Reikland. If Reikland is still to strong, kill all potential allies like the Golden Order, Marienburg and so on. Seek out momentary Military Alliances with The thousand Maws, Sylvania, Von Carstein and Bonerattlanz.

Plan B in a nutshell

5. Final Words

At this point you should have dealt with the Ordertide mostly. Keep an eye ot for the High-Elves or Dwarfes what they are doing but mostly you will be save. You can now confederate the rest of Norsca.

You can complete the Confederation with Norsca.
Complete the “God´s Favour” event, if you have not done so already.

Just keep in mind to have an eye on your future potential enemies. Depending on who wins – Dark Elves or High Elves – They might also attack you.

If you spawn in the Chaos invasion you can either:
Submit to chaos and get -75% upkeep for Mauraders
Fight them…
Note: Chaos will spawn in a weaker form then usually. They will not have as many Armies, even on Legendary Chaos Invasion:

Chaos invasion playing as norsca is weak.

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