This Article has been contributet by The John of Strategy from “The Madness” Discord Server


Additional Diplomatic Penalties can be found here


Game has deal evaluation script that runs when diplomacy is clicked with a faction. As soon as the deal eval value reaches +1 value, it succeeds. Evaluation is done the same for all treaties apart from peace offer, confederation offer, defensive and military alliances. These include your strength rating in the calculation, the others do not seem to do that. Based on traits and faction one can lookup the values in the evaluation table. (so in example Etaine are high elves, but in this case also diplomat which adds to the other tables.)


Most important thing is the “opinion” of them with you (neutral, friendly, very friendly, etc) for determining the thresholds.


Standing value 1:1 eval value as a modifier (so -5 standing means you get -5 eval value)


There is a “best friend” category that makes a lot of treaties much easier, that is if you have the highest standing of all factions with that faction, which we cannot see in game.


Max payment can “add for eval” is +70 in some cases, but often only +50, which is the base amount.

Payment maximum value is 10.000 gold and is evaluated at increments of 1000;


There is an “overpayment” that seems to be calculated in multiples of 10.000 gold adding (between +10 and +50, have not found exactly how much) eval per 10k gold. This value seems to be used differently between faction and I could not figure out exactly how it is used in comparison to the first 10.000 gold.


Because of all the different possible combinations, it is really difficult to actually determine which tables to use + which values act as cut off points, however some general rules of thumb:


Standing below “neutral” is not worth getting treaties from (the multiplier on gold goes up so spending money on gifts until value is back neutral or better is worth more than trying to purchase a treaty)
Standing “very friendly” requires between 10 and 40 less standing than neutral depending on personality, type of treaty request and situation
Standing “friendly” requires between 5 and 15 less standing for deals than neutral
Standing neutral requires roughly:

  • 15 for non agression
  • 10-15 for trade depeding on situation (faction, traits)
  • 20 for Military access
  • Between 35 and 75 for defensive alliance depending on situation (faction, traits, relative str ranking)
  • Between 75 and 150 for military alliance depending on situation (faction, traits, relative str ranking)

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