Belegar Ironhammer is a meele lord with many unique buffs to his army:

Mighty Oath Stone+24 Meele Defence, Expert Charge Defence
Orcsbane+15 Weapon strenght, +9 Meele Attack when fighting Greenskins
Gather the Old Clans+2 Recruitment rank and capacity
Oaths of ReclamationLeadership +8 in fireign territory, +12 Charge bonus

Faction-Wide Bonuses are:

Rally the Holds+40 Diplo with Dwarfs, -1 time to Global recruitment

Notable Traits: Vanguard Deployment and Siege Attackers.

He starts with 4 different Heroes with the Immortality trait and Level 5:
Master Engineer

Starting Region

In his starting region he has access to a unique building:

General Campain Strategy

Until Kara Eight Peaks has been captured, you will need a lot of income to support your armies.

  • Secure your region for additional region growth
  • Get non-Agression pact with your neighbours
  • Build up economy to support more armies

Cheese Strats

Building the Refectory in your capital (lvl 2) will allow you to spawn it Gotrek and Felix in 2 Turns. Their spawn location are as follow:

Note: When a rebellion is occuring in this region. Gotrek will be moved closer to the capital and the rebellion will spawn in its place. This can be beneficially, since where Gotrek normally spawns is a terrain with high amount of movement usage, therefore increasing the amount of Gotreks you can get with the Gotrek Exploit.

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