Here you can find a list of good to must have traits for Heroes and Lords in Total War Warhammer 2

Additionally an indepth list of all heroes traits can be found here

For All Race Any Wizard Hero or Lord Knowledgeable   +5 Winds of Magic for all Armies, Not available to High Elves or Wood Elf Heroes  
  All Heroes Disciplined   +2 melee attack and leadership  
Tomb King Tomb Prince Chariot Master Any lord +8 Meele Attack and Devence when on Chariot  
  Necrotect Sphinx Carver Eco +1 capacity for Khemrian Warsphinx  
  Any Lord Treacharous/Prepared Scorpion spam and ranged units    
Lizardmen Slann   Stegadon You can heal the Stegadon with the slan.Preferably don’t use  Ancient Stegadon since it cannot shoot artillery ballista  
  All heroes Pompous Mass heroes instant leadership loss of enemy army, depends thought on difficulty and amount of heroes  
Chaos Lord Infernal Dominance Any melee unit +5 Melee attack for all units in army  
  All Heroes Infernal Dominance   +5 Melee attack for all units in army  
Beastmen Lord/Heroes Fear of Nurgle Stink Cygors (Can go for insta rout) is a option -5 leadership to all enemy armies (local region)  
  Lords Disciplined      
  Brayshaman Disciplined      
  Gorebull Disciplined      
High Elf hand maiden entrepreneur Economy Get as many of them and just leave them in your richest province Lothern/Isthmus of Lustria/Ancient city of Quintex  
    resistant In army 5 melee defense and magic resistance for all units 5 Missile resistance to all infantry units  
  mage entrepreneur Economy Get as many of them and just leave them in your richest province  
  In army Limber   + 30% speed + 20 Melee defense, Slippery ability  
  Noble Conscientious   +5 relations with men and elves +2 lord/ noble recruit rank (Factionwide) Plus 1 unit recruit rank (in army)  
    Emolient Economy + 1 happines in all provinces, income all entertainment +5%  
    Frugal In army -15% upkeep  
  Handmaiden Fecund Economy +5 growth rate all provices  
  Loremaster Fecund Economy +5 growth rate all provices  
Skaven Plague Priest Knowledgable All Armies Summon based front lnes  
  Any Cunning All Armies Increased ambush chance  
  Assassin Disciplined   Deathmaster Assassin doomstack  
Empire Any Hero Noble Eco +10% Building Income to local province  
Dwarfes Rune Priest or Thane Ancestral Blood – Grimnir Thunderers and Organ Guns +5 Each Physical Resist, Missile Resist, and Ward Save  
  Any Ancestral Blood – Grugni Eco +10% Research Rate  
Wood Elves Any except Branchwraith Ariel´s Choosen Any army +4 Meele attack during forest battle, +15 Winds of Magic Reserve  
  Branchwraith or Treeman Ancient Murder of Spites Treemen Damage AoE when in melee, Wargrove of Woe can add to all Treemen.  
  Branchwraith or Treeman Ancient Resplendance of Luminescants Treemen +5 Melee attack +10% Weapon Strength to allies in 40m  
  Branchwraith or Treeman Ancient Annoyance of Netlings Treemen -5 Melee attack & -10% Weapon Strength to enemies in 40m  
  Branchwraith or Treeman Ancient Cluster of Radiants Any army Provides Greater Arcane Conduit.  
Vampire Counts Necromancer or Vampire Lore Keeper Economy -10% Building cost to local region  
  Wight King or Banshee Devious Economy Increased hero action success chance, use for Wound/Assassinate to get Blood Kisses  
Vampire Coast Vampire Fleet Captain Lore Keeper Eco +10 Research Rate  
Dark Elves          
Greenskinns Any Mushroom Addicted Goblins -15% Upkeep for Goblins & Night Goblins  
Norsca All Infernal Dominance Mammoths 5 Melee Attack to the whole army  
  All Misshapen More missapen heroes -5 leadership local region, also give them the “mutant”” follower for another -4″  
  Wizards Maimed Arm Mammoths -5 Melee Attack to hero, +3 Melee Defence to whole army.


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